Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Thanksgiving in January.

YAY, Happy Thanksgiving!! January

So, for Ronald's birthday Anne and I's present 
to him was a Thanksgivings meal. 
(His birthday was in November, so it wasn't quite that random.)
Annddddddd, we finally made it last weekend.

On the menu was of course Sweet Corn, Stuffing, and Turkey. 


I probably would have given this a 6 out of 10.

The corn was great (well duh, I'm the best corn maker),
...besides Shirley
 the stuffing was a bit salty, 
and the Turkey was a tiny bit cold, but fine. 

In other words, quite unexpectedly good.
I actually made an entire Thanksgiving meal? Dang.  

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Happy Holidays

Hi, Happy (late) Holidays!

Well, yeah, my year is half over now.
Well, since January 14.

A lot has happened since my last update. 

So, Christmas has come and gone, and it was quite interesting to experience the holiday in another culture.

For the entire month of December we had a Christmas calender that was filled with sweets that you could take everyday. 
Here is mine... half empty.

Then on the 6th, St. Nikolaus came and filled 
my shoes full of all sorts of goodies. 

On Christmas Eve we went to a big church in the afternoon and following that we came home and ate wurst and potato salad. After eating we opened presents!! 

Then on the 25th we headed over to Antje's parents for a fun filled afternoon full of eating. And repeated again on the 26th at Ronald's parents house.

Then just a few short days afterwards was
(New Years)

For New Years Anne and I stayed at our friend 
Paula's for the night. 

It was quite exciting.
They sorda' celebrate kind of like how 
we celebrate the 4th of July.
So many fireworks.
Take the amount of fireworks you see on  the 
fourth then multiply it by at least 3. 
I really like New Years here, even though I couldn't hear anything.

Well, that's about it for the holidays.
Be expecting another post in the next week or so, I have so many topics to talk about. 

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Turkey Day!

Of course, being an American holiday, Thanksgiving isn't celebrated here in Germany, but I quick made a stop at the grocery store and picked up some "Thanksgiving food" to share with my class.

It really wasn't thanksgiving food, just yea' know, good tasting food. 

 Like I said, not the typical turkey day menu, but hey, what evs. 
I will be hopefully making a "authentic" meal sometime soon with Anne as a birthday gift to my host dad. 

Funny Story: So, it was 2:45. I had just missed the tram that I would take me to my bus stop, and the next tram that came was too late. My bus was going to leave at 3:00. So what do I do? Run to the other side of the city and make it to the bus stop just on time. Walk to where my bus was suppose to be and noticed that the bus number had changed from 103 to 113. I asked the bus driver just to make sure I was on the right bus and then realized that I was at the wrong bus station. Running off the bus I notice bus 103 starting to take off. I must have looked like a fool waving frantically hoping the bus driver would stop and let me on. Luckily the man was nice and made a stop in the middle of the street to let me on board, though I wasn't lucky enough to be excused from being yelled at. But hey! I great story.  

And now, the results of the sport competition. 
Man, some people take this sport thing really seriously. 

I had absolutely no idea what was really going on that day. Before hand I thought it was at school, 
with just people from my school. 
It was at this big arena with 7 other gymnasiums competing.

So like I said before I threw around a  medicine ball.
And all the other girls were like, twice the size of me. 
I think there were 16 girls, including me, 
competing in this event.
And yeah, I was just sorda' chuckling to myself the entire time.
I ended up taking 5th the first round and moving on to the the finals (lol) where I took 4th (lol).
I guess that's pretty good considering I've only 
thrown a medicine ball twice before in my life.
The three that took 1st, 2nd, and 3rd 
were from "Sport Gymnasium".
They took it really serious, but hey, they were good.  
It was sort of funny how the Sport Gymnasium trains everyday, and the music school I go to won just as many medals as they did. 

Well, that's all folks. 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Superstar Status

Hey Hey Hey!
Sorry that it has been awhile.
I assure you that during this short hiatus
 it was all just normal life.
...except I was it on TV. 

What can I tell you?
I am a star. 

Soooo, now you're probably wondering what that was all about since most of y'all don't speak German. 

It was a fundraiser dinner for the
Children's Hospital Clowns
...I think.

The dinner was held here:

Schwerin Schloss
(Schwerin Castle)
Ba-boom-pow. That's right. 

And so we (the theater group) were part of 
the entertainment that night.

It was actually a lot of fun. 

I played a foreign cook that helped prepare the meals.
I was very nervous to speak German in front of this crowd,
but I think they understood me.
And if they didn't, they were nice and laughed. 

So even now being in a foreign country, I still 
get to wrack up some volunteer hours. Wooo!

A couple weeks ago I ...qualified(?) to compete
in this sports competition in school that is happening today.
I get throw a medicine ball around. (lol)

Sooo, yeah, I don't have to do anything until 9:30. 
Lucky me.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Did I forget to mention I was going to Italy?

So here in Germany, they get a fall break.
(kind of like our Thanksgiving break, except they get an entire week off)
And so we went to Italy!
Oh, it's soooooo cool there.
I stayed in a town 20 minutes outside of Verona 
(from Romeo and Juliet)
called Cisano.


Then we went to Venice.

Yeah so, that was a lot of fun.
School on Monday, blah.